We are a Platinum eco school
and work hard on all the areas
of the Eco Wales targets.
Class representatives from
years one to years six make up
our eco school council and
along with Miss Allyson and Mrs
Vaughan-Evans we work on rais-
ing awareness of green issues in
school and in our community.
We have a platinum pledge in school and all pupils and
staff and work hard on achieving these aims.
Eco Newsletter 1
Eco Newsletter 2
Eco Newsletter 3
Eco Newsletter 4
Bee Friendly Cert
Fair Trade
We are a fair active school. Our eco school council work
on fair trade aims, these include holding fair trade
events, using fair trade products where are can and dis-
cussing fair trade issues within the classrooms and in as-
semblies. We think it’s very important to raise and discuss
these issues with all members of our school community.
SNAG group. (School Nutrition Action Group)
Our SNAG group works with our school cook, their aim is
to promote varied and healthy eating within the school
We regularly hold come dine with me events where fam-
ily members are invited to come into school and eat with
their children. Healthy fruit is served in the foundation
phase at snack time. Members of the snag group help
serve salad items to the younger children during lunch.
We encourage healthy lunch boxes too.
Healthy Lunchbox Leaflet 1
Healthy Lunchbox Leaflet 2
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Website designed and maintained by
H G Web Designs
Ysgol Caer Drewyn © 2025
Privacy Notice
Website designed and maintained by
H G Web Designs
We are a Platinum eco school and
work hard on all the areas of the Eco
Wales targets. Class representatives
from years one to years six make up
our eco school council and along with
Miss Allyson and Mrs Vaughan-Evans
we work on raising awareness of green
issues in school and in our community.
We have a platinum pledge in school
and all pupils and staff and work hard
on achieving these aims.
• Eco Newsletter
• Eco Newsletter 2
• Eco Newsletter 3
Fair Trade
We are a fair ac-
tive school. Our
eco school council
work on fair trade
aims, these include
holding fair trade
events, using fair trade products
where are can and discussing fair
trade issues within the classrooms and
in assemblies. We think it’s very impor-
tant to raise and discuss these issues
with all members of our school
SNAG group. (School Nutrition Action
Our SNAG group works with our
school cook, their aim is to promote
varied and healthy eating within the
school We regularly hold come dine
with me events where family members
are invited to come into school and
eat with their children. Healthy fruit is
served in the foundation phase at
snack time. Members of the snag
group help serve salad items to the
younger children during lunch. We en-
courage healthy lunch boxes too.
Healthy Lunchbox Leaflet 1
Healthy Lunchbox Leaflet 2